Friday, January 27, 2012

My love story ~^^~

Sudah hampir sebulan ga update blog rasanyaa tuh kayaaaaaa ~~ yuhuuu
jadi begini cerita kenapa gue mau buka blog dan menumpahkan beberapa cerita hidup yang menakjubkan, spektakuler, menegangkan... eh engga deh haha.. sebenarnya hidup gue itu berjalan biasa saja bak layaknya manusia normal di dunia, namun orang-orang disekeliling gue lah yang telah berhasil membuat hidup gue berwarna dan lebih bermakna. Tuhan, orangtua, sodara, sahabat, teman.. sudah biasa mewarnai canvas kehidupan..

Yang ga biasa ituuuuu.....
pengen tau?
pengen banget?
ah masa?
pengen banget apa aja nich?
ah yakin nih?
haha okedeh
ketik REG spasi stefhani cantik *krikkrik ._.
yang ga biasa itu tentang seorang putra menawan yang baru saja tanggal 7 januari menyirami air dan memberi pupuk sehingga membungabungakan hatiku, huuuuaaaaaaa gombal gagal -_____________- haha

ga mau banyak deskripsiin dia, karna pasti banyak dan puanjaaaaaaaang hehe.. Temen-temen pun belum tentu membacanya fufufu, tulisan segini aje belum tentu dibaca *soktau *jleb . jadi ya hanya satu kata sih kalo ditanya orang" dia anaknya gimana, gue selalu menjawab gini "DAMN, HE'S SO ADORABLE!".

Hal yang gue ga bakal lupain itu dihari penembakan, suer disitu kocak. tapi yaah ga bisa disebut hari penembakan, soalnya ga jadi nembak. huft.... tapii pengorbanan nya itu lho :') terharu banget...
wahyudin baiknya yaampun :') :') seneng banget punya cowo baik nan pengertian seperti dia...
beruntungnya :')
I love you, I'm totally and completely in love with you wahyudindin ƪ(˘▽˘)┐(ʃ˘з˘)ʃ ƪ(˘ε˘ƪ)┌(˘▽˘

take ur time to look at this video hihi ;) !!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


hi folks I don't know where to start. there's so much happening here.. maybe I want to start with some pictures that I take last week in my grandparents house.
can y'all see it?
okay it's too small -,-"
don't worry I can fix it ;)

okay guys!!!!!!!!!! CAN YOU GUESS WHAT IS THE TOPIC TODAY ? hihi
yeaaaah it must be christmas, maybe it isn't a right time to talk about it, because now 28 dec and not 25 dec. BUUUT!!!!! we still feel the moment of christmas right ?
full of peace u.u and full of love..
imagine when you celebrate the christmas, you and your family have to decorate the christmas tree, buy a new clothes, shoes, or anything, exchange presents, sing a song together, exchange cards and bla bla..
I love this situation..
but right now i won't talk about the situation or the presents and the moment. i want to show you some pictures. as you see on the top of the paragraph, that is a picture of christmas tree.

A BIG TREE... with a beautiful garnish :3

okay now we're close to the tree. want to see more ?

more close....


cloo....sss....eeerrrrr and BAAAAAMMMM!!!

rawr.... Little SANTA CLAUSE!!!

lalala the ball!!

yeay the deer!!

do you see the angel right there?

the angel!!

this is her friend!!

the last, MERRY CHRISTMAS everybody. REMEMBER! Santa won't give you what you want and what you need. but GOD would give you what you want and what you need!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A P O L O G Y .

hi guys , sorry I'm absent for one years in blog. I thought I have to deactivate my old blog and starting a new blog with a new direction :)I swear I won't give you a bad post..This is a beautiful life, so I want to share you about my silly life..My life full of happiness, sadness, stupidity, craziness, etc.. I hope y'all happy seeing my blog. 
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